I'm prego again, and I have to admit, I went into this with a lot of enthusiasm but now, I feel like puking all the time, and have relied so much on my friends and family to help me that the once excitement I felt has drained from me. Today I feel good enough, and thought since so many peeps have asked if I died I better give you something. So this is where I've spent most of my days...couch, bed, or hanging over the Porcelain God, in underwear, I don't even feel well enough to get dressed most days! Ugh!
This is Dallas' and my last baby, and that thought makes me rejoice! Never again will I have to feel this way for sooo long, just the occasional flu. Happy Happy, Joy Joy!
Thank you Linsey and Tiffany and my mom and now Shauna, for helping me. Linsey I have never felt more guilty as I lay on the floor and watched you clean my bathrooms and kitchen. I'm glad we laugh about me puking in my "puke bowl" while holding Reagan, while you scrub down my bathroom in the background, it's a memory that I won't soon forget. Thank you. Tiffany, what can I say, you come whenever I call at the drop of a hat, and are so willing to do anything I ask. Thank you, for making my kids lunch, several times, and bringing me a slurpee for no reason. Thank you. Mom, you are a work horse! Spending your vacation making my family food, playing with the kids, and keeping the house tidy was the best thing ever! I am so grateful to have my mommy who has always worked so hard just for me. And to Shauna, thank you for taking my kids the last two days. It makes me feel less guilty knowing that they were getting attention, and were being cared for, something, I haven't been able to do very well at all. Most importantly, thank you Dallas, for getting up every morning with the kids, for working and making dinner for the family and trying so hard to do your activities as well as mine. You've kept us afloat. I love you!
My due date is September 25th.