16 April, 2008

Our Sis-N-Law Craft

This photo was taken on New Year's this year. Before I cut my hair off!

This was the craft I made. Thanks for the fab ribbon Tiff!

We exchanged crafts this year amongst the DeCo side Sis's. It was fun! I stole these images from Taunya's website! So thanks in advance Taunya! hahahahaha Sorry in advance to Julie, who is unfortunately not in this pic!
Oh and double click on the picture of us girls and check out my cleavage! Woop Woop! hahahahaha
And yes, I know how random this 'lil blurb was...hahahahahahaha...so typical!


Julie said...

Yeah...I was feeling a little jipped that I didn't get a sparkley red hat...then I realized, everyone is in different clothes and your hair is shorter now than it was in the pic.....and I was like...ohhhh yeah....

Tiffany said...

Can I say I freakin love that craft!

Annette Rose said...

That turned out so cute! I love that you guys do those exchanges. I'd love to do that with my sisters.