14 April, 2008

Party, Party!!!

Easton turned one and we finally, one week later, were able to celebrate his birthday. We had lot's of fun with friends and family. He got lot's of trucks! He crawls around pushing them along. It's sooo cute!!! My mom got him a 'lil fire engine that he can push or sit on and ride. It sings songs. He loves it! I made him a monkey cake. I thought it turned out so cute! So those of you who couldn't come I've posted it for you. My mom took a lot of pictures on her camera since I was so busy helping Easton open his gifts, and Dallas was busy video taping. Easton really wasn't too interested in opening presents. He just wanted to play with the toy after it was unwrapped.

1 comment:

Roxcy said...

I think the cake is FANTASTIC! Way to go Brooke.